Deworming, both internal and external, is very important for the health of dogs. But they are also essential for puppies because they do not yet have a strong immune system and a parasite infection can become more complicated. Young dogs are much more vulnerable than adult dogs, so it is essential to know how to deworm puppies and when to do it. For this reason, we have prepared this complete guide on puppy deworming. Take note!
What is the danger of parasites in puppies?
Internal parasites (worms) can cause diarrhea and vomiting in your puppy. This can lead to dangerous dehydration for his young age. External parasites (fleas and ticks) are not only itchy, irritating and annoying, but some feed on your puppy’s blood and can transmit deadly diseases. Both infestations can cause severe anemia for the animal and even death.
When to deworm puppies?
The first deworming of puppies is the internal deworming and should be done at 15 days of life. However, if the mother is healthy and dewormed, and they are in a hygienic and controlled environment, it could be done at 21-30 days. External deworming should wait until 2 months but, if fleas or ticks are present before this time, you can take him to the vet for treatment.
The first deworming is several doses; after the first dose, it should be repeated every 15 days until two weeks after weaning (around 3 months of age). It is important that the mother is dewormed, since internal parasites can be transmitted to the puppies even before birth, inside the womb.
How to deworm puppies?
Nowadays it is very easy to deworm your puppy yourself, but it must always be under the supervision and recommendation of a veterinarian. There are a multitude of deworming products suitable for different needs and it is important to choose the best one for your little one. Choosing one format or another will also depend on the size of the dog, as sometimes it will be more convenient to give, for example, a tablet than a syrup, or the other way around.
Internal deworming in puppies How is it performed?
As simple as holding your puppy with one hand and, with the other, give him the right dose with a syringe, placing it on the side of his mouth and making sure he swallows it all. The amount of medication will always depend on the puppy’s weight, so it is important that you follow the veterinarian’s instructions.
Dewormer for puppy dogs
Puppy deworming tablets
The tablets can be given in two different ways: directly in the mouth or mixed with food. To give it directly, we will have to open the puppy’s mouth and introduce the tablet at the end of the tongue; to prevent him from throwing it out, it is important to close his mouth just after introducing the tablet and massage his throat to make it easier for him to swallow it. If you find this too tedious, you can dip the lozenge in wet food, pâté, cheese or a piece of sausage. There are also palatable tablets that are like treats, so that the puppies eat them with pleasure and you don’t have to find ways to give it to them.
Puppy deworming syrups
For internal deworming, palatable syrups or pastes are usually used, since their young organism assimilates it better than tablets. It is advisable to first perform a stool analysis to check if the puppy is parasitized or not, and if so, to determine what type of parasites it has.
External deworming in puppies What are the options?
Antiparasitic spray for puppies
With the antiparasitic sprays for dogs you will only have to spray it on the body and rub against the hair so that it reaches the skin. Be careful not to do it on the eyes or mouth; to apply it on the face area, you can help you with your hand to spread it, so there will be no risks. It is a safe and effective method for puppies that can be used from a very early age. If we are going to apply it by hand, the ideal is to use gloves, and to do it preferably in a place with good ventilation.
Antiparasitic pipettes for puppies
The application of pipettes for puppies is the best known and most widely applied method of external deworming. As easy as distributing the liquid from the pipette along the spine, pushing the hair aside so that the medication penetrates well into the skin. When the puppy is less than 2 months old, you should consult with your veterinarian on how to externally deworm it, since most dewormers are used from this age and could be harmful to its health if used before.