Dermatitis in dogs

Dogs, just like humans, can also get sick and need medical treatment, as in the case of dermatitis in dogs. It is very common for these animals to be affected by different allergies that can be caused by the environment, by the air, by some everyday objects or by the food they usually eat. In Tiendanimal we tell you which dog breeds are more prone to suffer from dermatitis, the types of dermatitis that exist and their treatments. Are you going to miss it?

 Which dog breeds are more prone to dermatitis?

Although it is usually caused by a food or environmental intolerance, some breeds are more prone to dermatitis than others:

  • Boxer
  • French Bulldog
  • German Shepherd
  • Golden retriever

They are not the only ones, but these breeds have a greater genetic predisposition to contract this disease. Be alert if your dog is one of these breeds!

Types of canine dermatitis

There are several types of dermatitis in dogs, and each has completely different symptoms and treatments. These are the four most common types of dermatitis:

Allergic or atopic dermatitis in dogs

This dermatitis is one of the most common and is due to the dog’s genetic predisposition to develop allergies.

The main causes of allergic dermatitis are:

  • Flower pollen.
  • Insect bites (such as flea bites)
  • Mites
  • I feed that includes cereals or wheat

These factors can harm your dog if they are predisposed to this type of dermatitis and are some of the most common causes of veterinary visits, so we recommend that you check your dog well to make sure they do not have fleas or mites. Read carefully the ingredients of his usual food to see if it contains cereals. Also take into account if he has recently been in the countryside, as these questions will be the ones your vet will ask you to determine whether or not your dog has this type of dermatitis and be able to treat it properly. Not only people have allergies of this type! The areas affected in this type of dermatitis are usually the abdomen, face, legs, armpits and groin. If your dog has this allergy, it will start scratching compulsively, causing irritation, redness and even small scratch wounds.

The symptoms presented by this dermatitis in dogs are:

  • Large itching
  • Reddening of the skin
  • Appearance of pimples or pustules
  • Dryness
  • Darkening of the affected area.

Treatment is usually based on medications that soothe your dog’s itching, although you can also help with gels with antibacterial and moisturizing properties.

Fungal dermatitis in dogs

In some specific dog breeds, such as sharpei or bulldog, fungus can appear in the skin folds due to the accumulation of fat. The moisture that concentrates in that area creates the perfect environment for the reproduction of these organisms.

The most common fungus is Microsporum canis and its causes are:

  • Lowering of defenses.
  • Lack of care or hygiene in the affected areas.
  • Contact with an infected animal.

This type of dermatitis can appear together with allergic dermatitis, since fungi take advantage of the fact that the dog has low defenses to reproduce. In this case, your dog’s discomfort will be greater, so try to prevent both from appearing.

The symptoms of fungal dermatitis in dogs are:

  • Skin color change
  • Hair loss
  • Appearance of purulent pus-secreting masses
  • Dryness

The treatment indicated for this dermatitis is the use of topical creams to eliminate the fungus and, with it, the symptoms. It is important to apply the cream to your dog for the time recommended in the treatment, otherwise the fungus may return and probably stronger than before.

Contact dermatitis

This dermatitis in dogs develops when the animal comes into physical contact with a substance that is harmful to its skin, such as chlorine, disinfectants, paints, etc.

The symptoms presented by this dermatitis are:

  • Skin inflammation
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Skin hardening
  • Dry and crusted skin

The best treatment is to keep your dog away from the substance causing these symptoms and consult your veterinarian if they do not subside.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by different reasons, such as over bathing your dog (as it weakens the oily layer of the skin) or by an allergy to external environmental or food components.

The main symptom presented by this type of dermatitis in dogs is:

  • The skin begins to produce more oil than necessary, causing an intense and unpleasant odor that identifies the disease.

The treatment to eliminate this type of dermatitis consists of baths with special products that help to return the skin to its normal state. In addition, during this illness, some owners feed their pets vegetables and cereals to ensure that they do not pick up another allergy at the same time.

What are the treatments for dermatitis in dogs?

As we have seen, depending on the type of dermatitis your dog has, the treatment can vary drastically. Therefore, together with the above indications, it is of great importance that you consult your doubts with a veterinarian, since he will inform you about everything: type of dermatitis that your pet suffers, the cause that has provoked it and the most effective remedy to treat it. Do not hesitate to seek their advice before starting a treatment (not only with dermatitis, but also with other diseases), as you can make a mistake and apply the wrong treatment that ends up being detrimental to your dog’s health.

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