How to remove a tick?

Ticks are small parasites that lodge in the skin of dogs, feeding on their blood, causing itching and endangering their health. Therefore, it is best that you take care of protecting your dog to avoid this type of infestations. You can choose and combine different options antiparasitic  such as pipettes, collars, sprays and shampoos. This way you can be very calm and your dog will be able to play as much as he wants in the park or in the field without risks but if unfortunately he has unwanted tenants, in this article we show you how to remove a tick.

How to remove a gar rapata from a dog?

Even if you use antiparasitics to prevent infestations, it is important to know how to remove a tick to know how to act if you ever need to do so. There are different ways to remove ticks manually and with the help of some products. We tell you all of them so that you can choose the easiest one for you.

The more traditional way requires only a pair of tweezers:

  • First of all, run a flea comb through your dog’s coat to check for loose ticks that have not yet attached to the skin. With it you will be able to drag and remove them before they bite.
  • To look for them, inspect the areas where your dog scratches and run your hand against the hair to detect them.
  • Once found, grasp the tick with tweezers as close to the skin as possible. If you don’t do this, you could pull the body and the head could remain inside, causing infections and making it almost impossible to remove it.
  • DO NOT pull it out. Pull gently upward and slightly forward, making a movement as if you were pulling out a hook. You should do it slowly, never pull suddenly; also avoid twisting or turning so that no part of it remains inside the skin. Nor should you compress the body.
  • Once outside, it is important to kill the tick by soaking it in alcohol or burning it. It will not be enough to crush it or throw it in the toilet.

These steps on how to remove a tick are useful when the dog has between 1 and 3 ticks; if it has more, it is advisable that the veterinarian recommends another faster and more effective method.

How to cure the bite when removing a tick?

  • Clean the area with soap and water and then disinfect it with alcohol to remove any traces of infection.
  • Do not cover the wound, it is better if it is open to the air.
  • Avoid licking.
  • You can use a special ointment or aloe to soothe the itching.

How to remove ticks with home remedies?

There are several methods that help you to remove the tick in a more effective way. These are some ingredients or products that have a repellent effect on the parasites and help to loosen them from the skin so that they can be removed more easily.

How to remove a tick with chamomile?

Chamomile infusion is a very effective remedy to eliminate ticks because its smell repels them. You only need to boil water with chamomile and, once it has cooled a little, soak a cloth and place it on the parasite. When the tick comes loose, remove it with tweezers. You can disinfect the bite directly with chamomile, as it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

How to remove a tick with citrus fruits?

Create a homemade repellent by mixing lemon and water to eliminate ticks. In addition, it will also serve as an insect repellent to apply just before each walk. To prepare it, bring one liter of water to a boil and add two cut lemons. Let the mixture boil for one minute and then lower the temperature and put the water to simmer for an hour. Once it is finished, wait for it to cool before using it. Pour the repellent liquid into a spray bottle and spray the tick to loosen it. You can also use it on the rest of the dog’s body as a natural repellent, always away from the eyes and face.

How to remove a tick with apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has a sour taste that is very unpleasant to these parasites. Mix equal parts water and vinegar, soak a piece of gauze and put it wet on the tick. Some natural oils can also be used to help you remove a tick, depending on the scent they give off. Remember that all these indications are useful in case you find a couple of ticks on your dog. In case of large infestations, there are specific antiparasitic products that are fast acting and very effective. Consult your veterinarian to recommend the most appropriate one. And don’t forget about prevention so that it doesn’t happen again! Ticks can transmit very dangerous diseases to your dog.

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