Ibizan Podenco

The Ibizan Warren Hound is one of the most famous Spanish breeds in the world and has come to many homes to stay. It stands out for its versatility, and it is undoubtedly an athlete worthy of medals who also loves to enjoy the company and warmth of his own. Do you want to know it better? We’ll tell you all about it.

Denomination: Podenco ibicenco/ Ca eivissenc
Origin: Spain
Size: Very large
Life expectancy: 10-15 years
Weight: 23 kg (M) 19 kg (H)
Hair type: Short and straight; Long and harsh
Character: Independent, affectionate, docile.
Coat: White and red; white; red
Withers height: 66-72 cm (M) 60-67 cm (H)
General classification: Large dog breeds
AKC Classification: Group 2: Hound Dogs
Classification according to the FCI: Group 5: Spitz and primitive type. Section 7: Primitive type – hunting dog.

General appearance of the Ibizan hound

  • Head long, narrow, cone-shaped, small in relation to the body. Stop little marked. Muzzle long, narrow, with slightly convex flesh-colored nose, nostrils open. Eyes oblique, small, caramel color according to the color of the coat. Intelligent look, but shy and distrustful. Ears always erect, very mobile. They are shaped like an elongated rhomboid, with the center of the base at eye level. They are thin, without hairs inside, not very big.
  • Very lean neck, both in its upper and lower part. Its length is a quarter of the length of the body, slightly arched, fibrous. The skin is taut, smooth, without dewlap.
  • Body: straight back, arched loin, deep, narrow and long chest, belly tucked up but not overlapping. Musculature strong but not of great volume. Rump of powerful and hard musculature, with evident bone structure. The thighs are strong but not bulky.
  • Tail: low set, long, tapering towards the tip and with a tuft of hairs in the form of a spike at the tip. It is carried between the legs, sickle-shaped, but not curled.
  • Long limbs, with long muscles, strong but flat, well plumbed, giving the impression of great power and speed. Feet with long, tight, hare-like toes. Strong nails, generally white, very hard pads.
  • Color: The white and red Ibizan hound is the most common and preferred, although it can also be of a single color.

History of the Ibizan hound

First of all, we want you to know that there are many who are clear that the origin of the Ibizan hound is closely linked to the Pharaoh’s dog. In fact, from this type of dog the other breeds that are found within this group were created, such as the canary hound or the cirneco del Etna.

It arrived in the Balearic Islands around 1000 BC, with the Phoenicians, and it is clear that among its main occupations were to keep the ships clean of rats and to help in the hunt when their masters set foot on dry land. It is a primitive and rustic breed, one of the oldest in existence.

At the beginning they settled in these coastal areas, where they quickly began to excel in hunting, especially hares and rabbits. The curious thing is that there were dogs of this type in all the Balearic Islands, but it finally settled as a breed in Ibiza, from where it takes its name. In this way, a more selective breeding began in order to obtain specimens different from the original ones, with the purpose of being able to distinguish them among the thickness of the fields. This is how the breed was differentiated with two types of hair:

  • Original: Ibizan Podenco with short and smooth coat
  • New: Longer, wire-haired Ibizan Podenco

Your work skills

As we have already mentioned, it is an animal that has always stood out for its good hunting instinct. Even in its origins it was able to provide for itself. In addition to its agility to move in the thickest areas, it is skilled both during the day and at night thanks to its fine sense of smell, which it uses more than hearing or sight. It knows how to combine all its senses to perfection!

Character of the Ibizan hound

What is the behavior of this dog?

Undoubtedly, the Ibizan hound and children make very good friends. Apart from being playmates, they will quickly become great friends. Likewise, this furry dog is very affectionate and good with everyone, but the smallest of the house will be his favorite and he will always be very sensitive and protective with them.

In fact, it is considered one of the best companion dogs, as it stands out for being very calm, clean and polite. But don’t let all this fool you, the Ibizan Podenco also loves to play!

It is a cautious animal in terms of its reaction to the presence of strangers; in fact, it prefers to keep its distance at first. However, as soon as it realizes that people pose no threat to its environment, it changes completely and becomes more confident.

Does it get along well with other pets?

It is best to be cautious if you have animals at home, such as rodents or even cats, in order to avoid accidents due to their particular hunting instinct. As for their relationship with other dogs, it is usually good because they are animals that used to work in packs.

The socialization of the puppy podenco ibicenco

As it happens with almost all kinds of dogs, it is essential to promote the socialization of your Ibizan Podengo from puppyhood. That is why you should start working on getting him used to any kind of situation from the first weeks of life. As a result you will get your dog to be an adult with a good reaction capacity and an enviable behavior. With effort, dedication and patience everything is achieved, so now you know, let’s get to work!

Keep your Ibizan hound full of vitality and energy.

It is no secret. The Ibizan Podenco is a very mentally balanced animal and is a good companion animal that loves to be with people, while enjoying the calm and tranquility of his home. He also needs to feel and have very direct contact with his family, whom he admires above all. Don’t forget to include him in all your plans!

Finally, it should be noted that he is quite cold, so you will be right if you prepare a warm bed where he can curl up and spend the hours as comfortable as possible.

Fast and very agile

The Ibizan hound has the ability to transform itself when it is outdoors and, therefore, it will be full of vitality in your outings to the countryside. Given the great adaptability he possesses and how good he is at everything related to speed, where he demonstrates a great level, we assure you that he will leave everyone spellbound if, for example, he participates in an agility competition. He is a real winner!

Likewise, he will have a great time moving his body and can stimulate his abilities with intelligence games or those in which he has to bring and carry objects.

Is there any typical disease of the Ibizan hound?

It enjoys good health and is characterized by being a strong dog. It usually has a longevity well above that of other breeds of the same size. Therefore, there are not many diseases typical of the Ibizan Podenco except for the following:

  • Certain nervous or muscular conditions
  • Allergies
  • Skin problems
  • Cataracts in senior dogs

Hygiene of the Ibizan hound

The truth is that the good maintenance of this dog is very simple, with one or two brushings a week and a bath every month will be more than enough. However, keep in mind that it is an animal with a very low body fat index and that this will make it sensitive to cold. Consequently, we advise you to use a towel or bathrobe and insist with the dryer.

What does the Ibizan hound eat and what is the best diet for this breed?

When choosing their food, you should keep in mind that you must provide them with good quality proteins and try not to overdo it with fats, although these are also important for their coat and skin to look healthy. It is interesting to remember that you should take care of your best friend’s weight to avoid obesity and all that derives from it: joint problems, cardiac pathologies, etc.

There is a type of feed adapted to each stage of your dog’s life, as well as to its physiological state or more specific needs. Finally, if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian.

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