Although nature is perfectly capable of taking care of this process on its own, we recommend that you read this post to inform yourself about everything related to gestation and delivery of cats. In this way, you will be able to detect if any difficulties are occurring that require the help of your trusted veterinarian.
The hours leading up to the delivery of the cat
The gestation process of a female cat lasts between 57 and 63 days. So, usually, the birth takes place about 9 weeks after the encounter with the male. During the last week, the cat’s activity decreases and she begins to look for a warm, quiet and solitary place to make her nest to give birth to her kittens. When your cat reaches this stage of pregnancy, you will notice a certain restlessness in her, as the abdominal distension prevents her from maintaining the same position for a long time.
You can also detect that the time of delivery is near because you begin to sense the movements of the little kittens in their mother’s womb. The cat’s breasts are already producing milk and her body is preparing for the beginning of labor, with the relaxation of the perineal area. Approximately 24 hours before giving birth, the cat’s restlessness increases and she starts to walk and meow, which intensifies when the kittens are born.
In the moments preceding the birth, the rectal temperature decreases and the appetite disappears. Your cat will get into a position similar to the one she takes when she wants to relieve herself and then, due to the contractions of the uterus, the first kitten will be born, which can come out with or without placenta. These are dark in color and each kitten will have its own. If they do not break by themselves, the mother will break them with her teeth, as well as the umbilical cord.
The birth of kittens
The birth of the first kitten can last from 30 to 60 minutes and the birth is accompanied by loud meowing from the mother. The intervals between each kitten may be as short as 5 minutes or as long as 1 hour. It is also common for there to be a pause between the birth of the first two pups and the rest. This break is usually used by the mother to lovingly wash her first two kittens. It is advisable to leave a container with water and food near the nest, because some cats need to eat and drink to replenish their strength during the birth.
The complete delivery, from the first to the last kitten, can last up to 24 hours. When the contractions are over, your cat will begin to care for the kittens and nurse them. Placentas may come out at the end of the process and it is normal for your cat to eat them to recover energy. You should not intervene during the birth. Cats can give birth by themselves thanks to their instinct and many times, when we try to help them, we complicate a natural and wonderful process that nature itself can solve without our help.
Remember that although nature can take a dump on its own, it is best to be accompanied by a veterinary team at this time.