What do cats eat?

Do you want to enrich or complement your cat’s usual food and don’t know how? Here you will find the different foods that cats can eat without putting their health at risk. And, not only are they not harmful, but they also provide very beneficial properties to your feline’s diet.

If your cat eats feed or wet food and you want to include in its menu or give it homemade food from time to time, now you can do it with total peace of mind. Surely more than once you have wanted to give your kitty a portion of your food but did not know if it would be good for him. Or, even, you have wanted to prepare a delicious dish cooked especially and only for him, to pamper him and surprise him with a different menu.

Meat, fruits, vegetables, legumes, milk… Which ones are allowed and which ones are not? Each feline will have different tastes and preferences but not all foods are allowed for them. Therefore, we have compiled the best foods for cats so that you can include them in their diet without fear of harming them.

What do small cats eat?

The feeding of kittens is a very important part of their growth and physical and nutritional formation. It is essential that, at this stage of their life, they are fed correctly in order to avoid future nutritional deficiencies that may affect them throughout their life. Ideally, you should consult a veterinarian about the foods that baby cats can eat and follow his or her guidelines for amounts and daily feedings. Feeding your kitten correctly will ensure a healthy and strong animal.

What to feed a 1 month old cat?

The first food that kittens should drink is mother’s milk, the so-called colostrum, which is the first milk produced by the cat. This has the necessary properties for it to be formed in the correct way, providing immunoglobulins, that is to say, the defenses that protect them from infections. Then, the lactation milk you feed your kittens contains hormones, nutrients, enzymes and other basic nutrients for the cat’s development.

What to feed a 2-month-old cat?

From the month is when weaning begins in cats, which means that they stop feeding with their mother’s milk and start eating solid food. This weaning is done gradually, giving small intakes of specific feed for kittens mixed with water, thus forming a kind of porridge. Breast milk intake will be reduced and feed intake will be increased until, finally, he will only eat the feed. When he has completely stopped drinking breast milk, the feed can be given to him without mixing it with water.

What can cats eat besides their food?

As you may already know, cats are carnivores and their diet should be based on meat, accompanied by small portions of other foods. This way they get the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals they need, as well as taurine. This means that you can offer them practically all types of meat to supplement their diet, including organs such as liver.

What fruits can cats eat?

There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that are good for cats. They provide them with the vitamins and fiber they need in their diet. However, not all of them are and it is important to know which fruits cats can eat and which are dangerous for their health.

Some of the beneficial fruits for cats:

  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Peach
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries

Can cats eat apples?

Yes, apples are a source of vitamins, calcium, and fiber that can be fed to cats. Even so, be careful with their stem, leaves and, above all, seeds, as they can be toxic due to their cyanide content.

Can cats eat tangerines?

It is not advisable to feed tangerines to cats because, being a citrus fruit, these animals have an aversion to them due to the essential oils found in their peel. In addition, the citric acid present in this type of fruit can cause stomach irritation.

What vegetables can cats eat?

Although some vegetables may be beneficial for cats, these should not form a basic part of their diet, but should be a supplement to their meat and fish intake.

Vegetables that cats can eat are:

  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Broccoli
  • Chard
  • Cucumber
  • Peas
  • Beets
  • Lettuce

Can cats eat lettuce?

Lettuce is a vegetable that cats tend to like a lot. Because of its iron content and other minerals, it is perfect for when the animal suffers from constipation or to help reduce the amounts of sugar in the blood.

Can cats eat carrots?

The high beta-carotene content of carrots helps improve feline vision. In addition, they contain vitamins and fiber that are perfect for supplementing the animal’s diet.

Other foods that cats can eat

Some of these foods may be given occasionally as a treat and in small amounts, but should not be part of your regular diet.

  • Potato, always cooked.
  • Natural yogurt, without sugar or flavors.
  • Boiled egg, never raw.
  • Banana.
  • Butter.
  • Oil.
  • Rice.

Can cats eat cheese?

Cheese should not be part of a cat’s staple diet, although it is not a bad thing for cats to eat from time to time as a treat. Cow’s and goat’s milk are easier for cats to digest, but avoid very fatty cheeses and blue cheeses, as they can be too strong for them. Keep in mind that, like humans, cats can also be intolerant or allergic to milk, so be careful in case this is the case for your cat.

Can cats eat bread?

Bread is not a harmful food for cats, but it does not provide the nutrients necessary for their health, only empty calories. It is best to give bread on a very occasional basis or as a reward, but do not make it part of their regular diet.

Can cats eat raw meat?

Although cats are carnivores and, in the wild, it is possible that they feed on raw meat from their prey, at home it is better to cook this food, as raw food can contain bacteria and parasites that can endanger the health of the animal.

Foods that cats cannot eat

Now you know what cats can eat but… what foods are harmful for them? Garlic, onions, grapes, oranges, nuts and chocolate are some of the foods we should never give to our cat. We should also avoid cereals, which hinder digestion, pastries and sugars. Take a look at the post of forbidden foods for cats. With this guide you already know everything about feeding a cat. We recommend that, in case of any doubt, you go to your trusted veterinarian to give you the precise feeding guidelines for your cat.

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