How long does a hamster live?

Hamsters are often one of the first pets that children have. They are easy to care for and do not require a lot of time. Therefore, they are one of the best pets for inexperienced people. However, it is important to know their care and needs for them to be healthy and happy hamsters. And, precisely, care has a lot to do with the subject of the article: how long does a hamster live?

How long does a house hamster live?

Hamsters live 2-3 years. There are slight variations according to the species but, in general, their life expectancy does not exceed 4 years. However, hamsters have been known to live up to 7 years. Factors such as diet and the environment in which they live have a great influence, as well as being aware of them and detecting any disease in time.

It is one of the pets that live the shortest and it is something we must take into account before adopting it.

How long does a hamster live according to its species?

There are different hamsters that are popular as pets. Some of them are the Russian hamster, the common hamster, the Campbell’s dwarf hamster, the Roborovski hamster, the Syrian hamster and the Chinese hamster. All have a similar life expectancy, but some have a longer average life expectancy than others. For example, the Roborovski can live up to 3.5 years, but the Campbell and Russian hamster usually live between 1.5 and 2 years. Among these are the Syrian and Chinese hamsters, which average between 2 and 2.5 years.

How can we extend the life of our hamster?

The living conditions of our rodent are very important and greatly influence its longevity. But, no matter how long he lives, the most important thing is that he is happy during that time. That is why we are going to tell you what things you should pay attention to.


  • Mixture of diferentes semillas that you can buy or prepare yourself.
  • Fresh vegetables: carrot leaves, chard, watercress, escarole, zucchini, corn, peppers.
  • It offers variety, not always the same vegetables.
  • Clean water every day.

Cage and environment

The place where he lives is also very important. Even if you see him as a very small animal, the cage should be large enough for him to feel comfortable and be able to run around. In addition, it should have toys to fight boredom and wheels for exercise.

On the other hand, the cage should be located in a quiet area, where it can rest without any disturbances. You should make sure that your hamster is stressed as little as possible, as this also influences its life expectancy.

Also try to take him out occasionally around the house, in a safe area, so he can investigate and run in the open.

Sleep time

Do not interrupt your hamster’s rest when it sleeps during the day.


Keeping your rodent’s cage clean is essential for its health. Take a few minutes each day to check and remove poop if necessary and do a thorough cleaning once a week. Change the bedding and scrub their feeders.

Veterinary check-up

Many hamsters never visit a veterinarian. Taking them to the vet once a year will allow you to keep track of them and help you prevent or detect possible diseases or health problems.

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