Rabbits tend to be very good pets especially for small spaces and for children, as they do not need as much care as a dog or cat.
The advantages of having them at home are that they are very intelligent and if you get used to them, they are very docile, they cost little to keep, they suffer few zoonoses (diseases transmissible from animal to man) and they do not need so much veterinary care.
The disadvantages would be that their cages or living quarters smell bad if they are not sanitized, they are nocturnal animals like all rodents, so they can disturb at night, as they are especially active, they are great escapists, their life is very short in relation to other domestic species and if they are not handled often they become frightening so they can bite or hurt with their hind legs when kicking.
They are affectionate if from a young age they live with the family and have a lot of contact with people, if they are loose in the house and are called by name, with time they can recognize and follow their owner as if he were a dog.
The ideal is to have it in a jaula bien acondicionadaIn general, the bigger the cage, the better quality of life it will have.
If they have the possibility of controlled outings around the house, their cage can be smaller, on the contrary, if they remain confined all day long, they must have the possibility of having the space to do some physical exercise inside.
It is very difficult to let them loose without control because they can bite objects in the house such as books, furniture or small things that can damage their health.
They are very easy to adapt to their new home if they have the minimum necessary conditions, i.e. their food, water, some hay to eat and some hard material to gnaw on.
In general they do their needs in the cage and if you take them out they can do them anywhere in the house because they do not get used to a certain place.
Their diet should be mainly specific feed for them and they can be supplemented with fruits such as apples, peaches or pears, green leafy vegetables and also carrots and of course the heno o alfalfa seca to maintain a good level of fiber in their diet;
They are not animals that need to visit the veterinarian frequently, it is convenient to make a first visit when acquiring them so that the doctor can give the indications of their care and health.
You can apply a special vaccine for them and you have to control the state of their skin because they may have parasites or fungi, their ears for mange and their mouth for the overgrowth of their teeth. Any abnormality in their health the veterinarian will be able to solve it with the indicated treatment.
It is necessary to avoid that their hair, if they are of those that have it very long, gets tangled and for it the best thing is to brush it. If you can not do it at home, you can go to the peluquería animal and there they will take care of giving it a good shower and leave it nice, perfumed and without extra hair.
We have in our clinic a bunny named BUGSI who comes to the groomer, as if he were a puppy with his leash and collar, once a month and is happy in the bathtub among the foam.